Saturday, August 30, 2008

quirky quotes

quirky/queer quotes

Ok, all these are 'quotable' quotes that I either overheard, partake in or ... well, either way, I find them pretty light-heartening... Provided you get the drift.

I have to warn any homophobic to deter from reading this for this entry is more about those flying the rainbow flag i.e. queer.

Ok, NOT all the quotes are quuer. Maybe some.

Quoted from an exasperated girl:

"Well, hello..! It's not as bad as being in a cab, sitting in between two guys RAVING about Sex and The City The Movie...!

Oh, and they then proceed to discuss the series. All SIX seasons of them!"


Guy 1: We conclude that most gays could be civil servants because the (gay) clubs would usually be empty at month-end and packed during mid-month.

Guy 2: And the poor SDU had been working their ass off to get these people to hook up and make babies..

Guy 1: *chuckles* ... And they eventually blame all the women.


Overheard at Terminal 3 one night, at the viewing mall- looking at the passengers loitering in the transit area.

"It seems like 'M' Travel** is making some good money. Maybe they have a promotion or something.

Saw quite a number of (queer) couples. Prolly traveling together."

**This travel agency is pretty known to cater to the queer folks.


Vivo City on Friday nite:

Girl: Oh lookie..! That guy in green!

Guy 1: Oh yeah. We saw that one just now. Today there's quite a number of nice guys.

Guy 2: We saw quite a lot before you arrived.

Girl: What??! Not fair! And you never tell me!

Guy 1: Come here on Sun nite. You'll hyperventilate.

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