Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The world works in funny ways...

The world works in funny ways...

When I'm free (and bored), NO one asked me out :: When I have loads of plans, EVERYONE (from my parents, cousins and old pals) asked if I'm free...

When I wanna catch a movie, all the shows are CRAPPY :: When I'm broke and busy, all the GREAT shows come to town.

When I'm BROKE or is simply in no mood to shop or that my stuff are all randy-dandy, the whole of S'pore is having a sale :: When I feel like INDULGING in retail therapy, or that my clothes became tight, or the soles of my shoes & slippers came off, there is NOT A SINGLE sale at all.

When I dun need the other watches, all FUNCTION well :: When my favourite watch 'DIED', all the other watches 'DIED' along with it
~Until now, I'm surviving on my regular watch and this one with a really cracked glass surface. The other 5 have 'dead' batteries.

When I gave up on the idea of going out for lunch cos' it's too darn hot, I get my mum to buy me something for me to bring to work. She also bought breakfast :: My bosses came to office that morning and happily gave me breakfast AND lunch. *great*
~And the best thing? My family is celebrating my parents' anniversary at a BUFFET rest'n later...

And the best part....

When I'm early, my bosses came LATE :: When I'm (very) late, they're darn EARLY....!

PS: I'm contemplating throwing away either 1/2 of what they bought for me or 1/2 of what my mum bought for me. Which 'un???? My collegue is not even here to help me finish these up...
Where's that green tea when I need it??! *burps*

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